SYSTEMATIC POSITION Phylum- Protozoa Subphylum- Sacromastigophora Superclass- Mastigophora Class- Zoomastigophora Order- Kinetoplastida Genus- Trypanosoma Species- gambiense INTRODUCTION Trypanosoma is a haemoflagellate digenic parasite found in the blood of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. 3 species of Trypanosomes are found pathogenic and are present in human blood which causes a deadly disease known as African sleeping sickness. The three species are as follows: Trypanosoma gambiense Trypanosoma rodesiense Trypanosoma cruzi Trypanosoma gambiense is an endoparasite. Being digenic, primary host is Man and secondary host is Tse-tse fly. HABITAT It occurs in the blood of man and later on enters the cerebrospinal fluid of the central nervous system. It is generally confined to man of central and western Africa and causes African sleeping sickness. DIFFERENT STAGES ...